OS: One-size. An adjustable diaper made to fit a wide range of shapes and sizes.
AIO: All-in-one. A one-step diaper system that has the soaker layers and waterproof cover all in one step.
AI2: All-in-2. A diaper that has 2 pieces. Most commonly a waterproof shell with a separate soaker that snaps in or is sewn in on only one edge.
Soaker: The layers within the diaper that soak up moisture.
Doubler: Extra layers added to make the diaper more absorbent. This differs from a soaker because it does not stand alone, but is added along with the soaker to "double" the absorbency of a diaper.
Liner: A single layer laid on top of the soaker between the baby and the diaper. Can be disposable and used to make poop clean-up easier or a re-usable fabric such as fleece to help wick moisture away from baby's skin.
Boingo: BoingoBaby™ cloth diaper fasteners.
Snappi: Snappi™ Brand cloth diaper
PUL: Polyurethane laminate. A compound fabric made by laminating a cloth fabric to a thin film
of polyurethane with a chemical process, thus making it waterproof.
TPU: Thermoplastic polyurethane. Basically the same as PUL, but the laminate is heat-bonded to the fabric rather than chemically-bonded.
Lanolin: A yellow
waxy substance secreted by wool-bearing animals. Wool soakers need to be
treated with lanolin periodically to maintain their water-resistant traits.
Hook and Loop: A type of
closure also commonly known by the brand names Aplix™ and Velcro™.
Stripping: A process by which your diapers and
inserts are treated and “stripped” of mineral build-up, ammonia and/or soap residue.
Wicking: Wicking
is the transfer of moisture from one place to another. It is good when
moisture is wicked away from baby’s skin through a stay-dry fabric. Wicking is
a bad thing when moisture finds a weak spot or exposed area to leak out
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